Our News

Read on for updates, insights and stories from our work - the challenges we're grappling with, hard won lessons we've learned, and achievements we feel proud of

Project Khuluma: A journey of discovery for the mentors
Published on Sep 12, 2019
“It was a nice experience going to camp for the very first time. It gave me a chance to express myself and I was able to identify some of my strengths and weaknesses on the camp. The most memorable activity was the water canoeing race. Yes, I was afraid of drowning but I managed to get on the canoe and face my fear. I enjoyed helping others, and for them being able to see that other people can believe in me. There is always a shoulder to cry on when together. Being away from home was pretty nice. If another mentor was considering going on camp, I would tell them to go out and discover the true person in you and to have fun!”
ReadSpaces of Care
Published on Sep 06, 2019
These ideas formed a proposal we called ‘Spaces of Care’. Adolescents living with HIV in urban South Africa rely on a multitude of people, spaces, environments, objects for their care and wellness. Taking a systems and design thinking approach, thinking beyond conventional medical conceptions of healthcare, we are framing all these relationships and interactions as spaces and systems of care.
ReadInnovators, we want you!
Published on Aug 23, 2019
Let's work together to ensure that these past 25 years of innovation in global mental health lead to long-term, real-world change that transforms our communities for the better.
ReadEmber Stories Volume 2
Published on Aug 22, 2019
Ember believes mental health interventions that grow out of communities are uniquely equipped to overcome issues of stigma and engage people in meaningful, culturally- sensitive ways. That’s why Ember’s focus is on supporting and strengthening grassroots innovation in global mental health.
ReadEmber Call Out: Applications now open!
Published on Aug 20, 2019
Ember is calling for applications from community-based mental health projects and organisations working in low- and middle- income countries. Successful applicants will take part in a 12-month process designed to strengthen and grow their work.
ReadKhuluma from the beginning
Published on May 23, 2019
It was Spring 2013 when I first went to Pretoria, South Africa. I was working alongside the SHM Foundation Director and co-founder of Khuluma, Anna Kydd, to set up Khuluma support groups for adolescents living with HIV in South Africa. At first it seemed like a daunting task.
ReadStories of Grassroots Mental Health Care
Published on May 16, 2019
We believe that some of the most effective and powerful mental health care grows from within communities, from the grassroots up. Across the world there are organisations responding to the needs of their community by developing innovative, creative models of care, drawing on local expertise and often reaching populations with little access to services. That's why Ember's focus is on supporting and strengthening grassroots innovation in global mental health.
ReadA Medical Science Perspective on 160 Characters
Published on Mar 01, 2019
Our final blog on this series comes from Dr Geordan Shannon, a medical doctor and anthropologist , who gives us her thoughts and insights into the 160 Characters workshop.
ReadContact Us
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