Our News

Read on for updates, insights and stories from our work - the challenges we're grappling with, hard won lessons we've learned, and achievements we feel proud of

Graduating with COURRAGE: Adolescents living with HIV share their thoughts

Published on Jun 14, 2021

Khuluma mentors were a part of the COURRAGE workshop sessions which culminated with a grand graduation ceremony. They share their experiences on their takeaways from the sessions.


Understanding Challenges of Adolescents Living with HIV: Bringing Stakeholders Together

Published on Jun 07, 2021

A recent Khuluma stakeholder meeting provided a platform for our adolescent mentors living with HIV in South Africa to share their experiences and provide insights that can inform and improve services


Zumbido Pulse: Building virtual support groups during Covid-19

Published on Jan 13, 2021

In the first issue of Zumbido Pulse, we're introducing the story of Zumbido Health and sharing our insights on designing virtual support groups to combat social isolation


My Story, My Strength: Khuluma Mentors' Reflect on Tree of Life Session

Published on Nov 30, 2020

Khuluma Mentors attended a Tree of Life session this November. They share their experience in this post.


#MyHappySpace with Khuluma Khulisani Mentors: World AIDS Day 2020

Published on Nov 29, 2020

The Khuluma mentors are energetic, enthusiastic and driven- they are truly inspirational in the way they lead their lives. But what's the secret behind this positivity and motivation? Through #MyHappySpace campaign, we asked them these questions to celebrate their personal stories!


SHM Foundation Internship Programme 2020: Intern Experiences

Published on Oct 21, 2020

In September 2020 we ran our first ever formal internship scheme – all conducted remotely. Our four interns from around the world share their experiences here.


Reflections from a remote intern

Published on Jun 16, 2020

After spending five weeks as an intern at the SHM Foundation, Sadie Levi reflects on her experiencess and shares what she's learned during this time.


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